Hi, my name is Gabby and Tres Monkeys is my family owned and operated company! Tres Monkeys began when my mom and I started making soaps, sugar scrubs, and bath bombs for our friends and family as a fun way to bond together. It wasn’t long before they started asking for customized baskets to give as presents. The baskets and products we made were so popular we decided to take the leap and turn it into a business. From the beginning, our goal has been to create products that are not only reasonably priced but are also healthy and nourishing for the body. In order to make this dream a reality we were going to need to bring an investor on board and I knew exactly who to ask, my Dad! It wasn’t long before my two brothers, who are both barbers, asked to start selling Tres Monkey products to their clients. Now our men’s line is sold in barber shops across the Tampa Bay Area. Along with local barber shops we have also generated a huge online fanbase however, I knew I wouldn’t be satisfied until I was able to connect with my customers by selling face-to-face. My mom and I began to sell at any craft fair we could find and First Friday, a festival in Tarpon Springs, Florida that I went to growing up! After a few months of selling at First Friday we gained a substantial following and began to have customers coming solely to buy more products. My family and I are honored by all of the people in the community that not only love our products, but believe in us! With all the growth we have had in our short time we are still so incredibly happy to have created a company that has brought our family closer together and also create products that people all over the world love!